Sunday, August 17, 2008

Traveling fun

This past Tuesday, Sara and I 'traveled' to Alvarado to see our very dear friends, the Wilson's! Marq and Diane were our youth pastors while growing up, and their whole family is very special to us. They have 8 kids! Yes, 8! :) 6 still live at home and each one of them are such good kids. Josh and Bekah had a great time playing with Rain and Noah, the two youngest of the family. Bliss was very sweet to watch the small ones as they played in the kiddie pool while the adults visited. We had a great time and look forward to hangin' with them again. Here's a group pic of all of us! (L-R) Marquis, Rain, Marq, Noah, Bliss, Diane, Jadyn, Sara, Bekah, Josh, Baylee, and the goofy one in front is me. Thank you, Wilson's, for a great lunch and great fellowship! We love you!

On Thursday, Jay, Jadyn, and I headed to Kerrville, TX where Jay had a Professional Engineer conference. Jadyn and I had fun tagging along and 'chillin' in the hotel room. Jadyn was of great help, and even let mommy sit back and relax while she packed up the suitcases. I have proof! :)
Here, Jadyn loads the suitcase with her beachbag. She checks to make sure that is her name on it and not someone else's as she gives it one final mash down into the suitcase.

Here, she puts all her weight on the suitcase so she can zip it close!

Now that her work is done, she is free to crawl (yes, crawl!) around the hotel room. She is happy her work is done! :)

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