Sunday, August 24, 2008

Back to work...

I returned to work a week ago. It's been a very busy week full of staff developments, meetings, and classroom preparation. Jadyn got to visit several buddies last week as she was with someone different every day! We went through babysitter changeouts and are now settling in with our buddies, Mandy and Drew! We are sooooo thankful to everyone who stepped up to help us out last week as Mandy was out of town til Friday. What a blessing to have someone we know and trust to watch our little Pigtail Pie. Since Jadyn's birth, we have been blessed to have her in good hands while I am at work. We are praying that the Lord will continue to let it be that way until I can stay home.

Speaking of our little treasure, she is now 9 months old and on the crawl all throughout the house! Beware! Nothing is safe! :) Just kidding! She loves being mobile and exploring. She enjoys pulling herself up to a standing position and is so proud of herself when she does! She has such an infectious smile! Now that she's mobile, it's now due time to install safety locks in the kitchen cabinets! Jadyn's also 'talking' up a storm these days too! Boy, can that girl chatter! I guess she takes after her momma in that area. :-D We are amazed at all the new things she can do wave bye-bye, clap her hands when she hears "Yeah!", walk behind her little pusher-walker (very shaky, though), throw her pacies out of her crib, along with the blankie, the snugglie, and the mobile sometimes! Her top gums are swollen these days. Looks like she'll be cutting teeth before too long. Ahhhh, I love my baby girl. This has been a great summer with her, and I have truly enjoyed being home with her. I am really going to miss those summer days of sleeping in and being with her all day. It makes the weekends all the more sweeter!

Well, it's late, and I must rise very early. Students start back tomorrow, so I plan to arrive earlier so I can do final preparations. Goodnight and may the Lord bless you.


p.s. I have some pics to post, but will have to wait til I get a chance to download them off the camara.

1 comment:

mandy said...

yeah! we love having jadyn come play with us!