Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Jadyn's new game!

Jadyn continues to amaze us with the 'new' tricks she is learning daily. This video is already a couple of weeks old! It's been so busy around here that it took me that long to get it edited and 'short' enough to fit on blogville. Her longest time to stand by herself was tonight at my school program. She stood for 10 seconds!!! All by herself! Tonight, after I had fed her dinner, I said "All done!" and showed her it in sign language. She picked that right up! Now, all I have to say is "All done!", and she immediately starts to sign it! She also knows 'please' in sign language. Right now, she's really only saying please at mealtimes, but we are working to extend that to any time she wants something.

Jadyn's officially11 months old. The other night, we were standing in the kitchen and I looked at Jay and said she was now that old. The loving and goal-setting father in him came out as he looked at her and said, "Now, Jadyn, you only have a month left to be walking by your first birthday. Come on. I know you can do it." It was quite humerous!

The Sapp household has been going nonstop, it seems, for many weeks. Jay's been hard at work, busier than he's ever been. School keeps me busy, as usual. As I mentioned before, the 3rd-4th grades Program was tonight at school. We had a combined program of about 200 kids (whew! wouldn't want to do that again!). Our theme was "Music Around the World". It went pretty well. The kids were very excited. They did a really good job. And the teachers are relieved it's over! :)

Jay and I recently signed on a gas lease (just in time, too) and used a portion of that money to buy a much needed new bed. The first mattress we bought about 2 weeks ago ended up being too firm, so we went back to the store and exchanged it for a different kind. Last night was our first night with the new mattress and we both slept much better! Praise God for providing the new mattress. We are also going to use another portion of the gas lease to get a much-need paint job and face lift on the exterior of our house. It has needed it for at least a couple of years now. Praise the Lord for always meeting our needs.

On another happy note...The Sapps are officially and totally credit card DEBT FREE!!! Praise be to God! It's been a work in progress for exactly 2 years. When we got married, and shortly after, we had built up quite a debt and were not good stewards of the money that the Lord has given us. With conviction and repentance, we began to follow the Dave Ramsey plan. Slowly, but surely, we began paying off each credit card one by one and closing them out once they were paid off. It hasn't been an easy two years, and we've had some fallbacks along the way, AND had a kiddo. But, God is faithful, and we continued to press forward. No more credit cards for us! We are FREE! I say all that to encourage you who are in the same boat of debt. You can google Dave Ramsey and find out about his financial plan. Crown Financial is another good one. My church has a ministry that teaches families to be better stewards of their money and get out of debt and encourages them along the way. Now, we can take that money that was once put towards credit card debt towards other things. Our next goal is to pay off the 4Runner, then my student loans, and so on.

Let's see...what else? It's been so long since I've been able to update! I miss getting to my blogs! Like I said, school has been so busy, even on weekends (I hate having to do school work on the weekends... :( I've made several attempts in the past 3 weeks to update this and haven't had a chance until now. I have new pics of Jadyn to post on our Picasa. I will try to do that this weekend.

Now that I've chatted your ear off :-D, I am going to head to bed and try that bed out again..... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh.....sigh.


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