Monday, February 13, 2017


It's been a long day and it was a bseh early start. But, Annika did well today for her outpatient procedure and tests and and we were headed home from the hospital by 12:45 this afternoon. We will meet with her ENT doctor in the next week or two to go over her CT and MRI. He told us that there is quite a bit of damage in both her inner ears. She has canal cholosteatomas (destructive skin growth and tumors) in both ears.  The CT and MRI will show us how extensive, but we are looking at canal reconstruction for both her ears along with surgery to remove the cholosteatomas in her middle ears.  Annika's doctor believes this is something she has had since she was a baby and has gone unnoticed and untreated all this time.

Jay and I have been talking to two leading doctors who are the best of the best in Ear Reconstruction. Each and every surgery/procedure Annika needs will go hand in hand with her eventual ear construction. So, our ENT doctor will be in close communication with the doctor who does Annika's ears. 

Lots of doctors, appointments and procedures... all for one VERY special little girl. 💗

We have quite the road ahead of us, but we know the Lord is with us and He has all of this in His hands.

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