Saturday, January 21, 2017


One of the many things Jay and I knew going into our adoption process for Annika was that we were going to have some short-term but costly medical expenses to correct and reconstruct her ears and also correct her lazy eyes. Insurance is wonderful and we are VERY thankful to have it, but we knew we are also going to have lots of co-pays and our portion of medical costs for awhile. But, we also knew that the Lord had called us to adopt this precious little girl and that she was ours. So, when we stepped out in faith for the Lord to provide all the funds needed to bring her home (which He did!), we also stepped out, trusting He'd also provide everything she's going to need when she's home. 
Last August, Eli needed a minor outpatient procedure done. It was a sensitive and private area and to save him from embarrassment, we didn't post about it on social media. (The procedure went great and Eli is fine.) What I also didn't post about was that because we were in the adoption process, our finances were tight and we did not have all the money needed to pay our part of his surgery. The day of his procedure, as we checked in at the hospital, they asked us for payment, and we had to ask about a payment plan. We literally used $50 out of our weekly grocery money to put a deposit down that day. The lady in Registration kindly offered that we could also apply for Charity to see if we could get some assitance to help with medical costs. She said if we wanted to do that, then we could come back downstairs after Eli went in to surgery and ask to talk to the Financial person and fill out an application for assistance. 
Do you know how embarrassing and humbling it is to admit you need help? To ask for CHARITY? Jay and I looked at each other and we ALMOST said nah, we're okay. We'll figure something out. We'll put it on a credit card or something. Anything other than admitting we don't have the money to pay for our son's minor surgery. Anything but admitting that we don't have any extra money sitting around right now, saved up for such a time as this. Anything but admitting that we are CHOOSING to walk in faith and obedience of what the Lord had called us to do and adopt without going into major debt. Anything but swallowing our pride, humbling ourselves, and saying yes, we would like to apply for assistance. We almost said no thank you. Almost. But, we didn't. Because the love we have for our son - for all of our children- outweighs how we were feeling in that moment. As parents, we will do anything we can to get our children the help they need. So, we swallowed our pride, and when Eli went back for surgery, I made the (embarrassing) walk to the Financial office and asked if I could apply for financial assistance. As the Financial Rep asked me questions, I explained that we wouldn't normally need to ask, but that we were in the midst of adopting our little girl and all our extra money had been going to pay for the expenses. I explained that no, times aren't always this tough and it was only for a season. She congratulated us on our upcoming adoption, had me fill out a basic form and then said she would be in touch once the Board met and had decided if we qualified for charity. I thanked her for her time and went to join Jay waiting for Eli to come out of his procedure. 
Weeks later, we received notification from Cook Children's Hospital that we had been approved for charity and all our expenses were 100% covered for Eli's surgery. We also received reimbursement checks in the mail for what we had already paid! PRAISE THE LORD!!! OUR DEBT WAS FORGIVEN and Eli had gotten the medical help he needed! I cried tears of joy and Jay and I were full of thankfulness at the Lord's provision. And we had no idea that our Heavenly Father's goodness did not stop there....
Life has continued on since then and we have had a full schedule of doctor appointments, vision appointments, and just a busy life when you have four kids! December and January have been a blur of travel, adoption, getting settled in, and getting Annika's medical and vision needs met. Then this morning happened.... I took Annika into our pediatrician to have an ear canal looked at that was draining pus yesterday. As I was checking us in, the receptionist was asking me questions, confirming if all our info was still the same (same address, same phone number, insurance, etc). Then she said, “And I see you have Charity so you’re good and she's checked in”. I had been watching Annika make her way to a kids' computer when the receptionist said that and I turned from looking at Annika to stare at her... “What? OH! Yes, we applied for Charity when our son needed surgery and we were going through the adoption process and money was tight. That covered his surgery for us.” The receptionist then cheerfully said, “Ah. It covers everything Cook Children’s related and it shows it is good through October of this year.” The shock on my face was apparent as I said, “For all of my children?” “Yup” was her response. I then point to Annika as I say, “Even for all of surgeries and procedures she will be having?!?!” The receptionist smiled as she said, “as long as it’s Cook Children’s-related, it’s 100% covered.” I was all choked up as I realized what God already knew.... HE IS FAITHFUL TO PROVIDE! I croaked out a thank you and walked over to my daughter as we waited our turn to be called to see the pediatrician. I sat there in amazement at the Lord's continued hand in our lives as I realized all the appointments I've taken Annika and even Jadyn (her well visit) to lately that were at Cook Children's facilities and no co-pay was asked of me. I sat there in awe as I thought about all the appointments we are going to have between now and October and all the ones that are Cook Children's-related are COVERED! HOW GOOD IS OUR GOD????!!! How faithful is our Father? He is FULLY faithful to and able to provide ALL that we need! 
Not all of Annika's appointments, surgeries and procedures are going to be able to be through Cook Children's (i.e. her ear reconstruction will be elsewhere), BUT, that's okay. I'm not worried. God has provided every step of the way thus far and He continues to do so. He meets every need we have, whether it's an anonymous donation, or dinners provided for a couple of weeks, or a short term side job that comes up, or charity ... HE provides. Because, He knows what we need... before the need even arises. And I pray that every person who has given to our family... in action, in money, in time, in food... however it's been.... the Lord has used you to help us, to bless us.... I pray that the Lord will bless you a 100 times over in return! I pray that everyone who has contributed to the Charity fund at Cook Children's... however that works...that the Lord will bless them. I am in awe and humbled and overwhelmed with His Goodness. 
"If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!”
Luke 11:13
“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?"
Matthew 6:25
To God be the glory....

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