Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Someone asked me if Annika was different when we drove off from the orphanage yesterday and I wanted to share...
She was different. At first, she was testing boundaries a bit (not sitting down in the van when I told her to - no kid car seats in China) , but the further we drove away, the more relaxed she came and even sat on my lap and laughed as I bounced her on my knees. She even wanted to trade places with me (I sat in middle with a daughter on both sides) and she sat next to Jadyn for a bit and interacted with her. (She has avoided sitting next to Jadyn most of the time). By last night, she was including Jadyn in a mommy pile up! She wanted Jadyn to get on my back and then her stacked on top as I galloped around the hotel room with their giggles filling the air! It was a blessing to my heart!  

Today, we pack up and fly to Guangzhou where we will be until the 21st. Our first plane ride with her!! She is quite the wiggle worm, so a 3 hour plane ride will be a good introduction to US of what's about to come for a 14 hour plane ride home in ONE MORE WEEK!!!


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