Monday, May 18, 2009

One Thing...and then some...

Well, y'all, we're gettin' the end of this pregnancy, that is. I'll be 35 weeks this Wednesday, and time sure is flying. I had the fun experience of having a maternity photo session this past Tuesday with Jay and Jadyn done by an aspiring photographer who is building her portfolio. We met at the Botanical Gardens, where the scenery was absolutely gorgeous! I look forward to seeing her results when she gets them posted. Here is her website: She also has a blog, which she posted a humerous story about our experience with a SNAKE during our photo shoot. Go here: Her name is Michelle Monk if anyone's interested in maternity/birth/newborn pictures.

I had my checkup last week at the midwife's office. I get another sonogram this Wednesday! Yeah! When the midwife said she wanted to send me for another sono, I said, "Good! I want to see how big this boy is!" To which she replied..." do we!" LOL! Maybe we'll get to meet Baby boy about 3 weeks from now instead of 5! :-) That would be sweeet!

So, I was looking at pictures of my first pregnancy compared to this pregnancy. Here's a picture of when I was 38.5 weeks pregnant with Jadyn...2.5 weeks before she arrived.

And here's a picture of my 32 weeks along with this pregnancy. Granted, it was 3 weeks ago, but here you this picture, I'm 8 weeks away from my due date....

What do you think? Am I bigger, smaller, or the same as last time????

On another note, I went to a Ladies' Annual Tea at my church this past Saturday. Now, I know what you're thinking...a bunch of old ladies in their big fru-fru hats sipping tea. Well, there were some of those, but actually, there were a variety of ages there. And, I have to admit, it is fun to get 'dolled' up and have a 'spot of teh'. And the food was scrumptious! But the best part of all was the time in the Word. It was very refreshing. The theme of the Tea was "One Thing". This came from Psalm 27:4 ...
"One thing I have desired of the Lord, that I will seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple."

David, the Psalmist, wrote that the one thing that matters most is to seek the Lord. When we seek Him, everything else falls in to place. The Lord never leaves us lacking for anything. The point is that no matter what we face in life, no matter what we need, desire, or going through...the ONE THING we need is to seek Him....worship Him, spend time with Him, and He will take care of everything else.

"And the Lord shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:19

Oh, how good God is....
I am complete in Him...I have all I need, when I have Him.


Jason and Vanessa said...

I love the comparison of your belly. Your were just a little bit bigger with Jadyn but not much.

I can't wait to find out how it goes on Wednesday!

Love ya,

Mommy said...

So fun! I am 36 1/2 weeks today and only have about 25 days left until my due date!! I will be having a c-section in 17 days, though! YAY!
I definately think you are quite a bit bigger this time if you are only 32 weeks prego in the second pic and 38 in the first! We'll see how big he is compared to Jadyn when he gets here. (: Can't wait to see the pics! Love -Amy

Stephanie Rohloff said...

I think you are bigger! Wow! I have heard that as the pregnancies progress the babys are bigger babys...I have no idea if that is always true or not though.

We are getting the crib ready...I will call you soon about bringing it your way. Currently kate plays in it while I clean, she thinks its hilarious...and its quite convenient for me. But we are ready to say goodbye to it for a while...