Saturday, May 2, 2009

Firsts and more...

Jadyn continues to amaze us, sometimes on a daily basis! She's getting big so fast.

Not a baby anymore....a toddler she has become....full of energy...full of giggles...emotions....and personality.....

She's full of firsts these days.....
I was at a friend's house the other day and Jadyn was asleep in her pack n play in the other room. When she woke up, I went in to get her and found her smiling in there without any pants on!! She had managed to take them off! LOL This morning, when she was ready to get out of her crib and I went in to get her...I found her shirtless! There she was just a smiling and grinning at me. Her was around her waist! She had somehow managed to get her arms out of the sleeves and the neckhole was around her waist! It was rather cute. I would have taken a picture if I could have found the camera fast enough! It was definetely a kodak moment.

Thursday morning, she came out of her room carrying a pink teddy bear that she had taken out of her play cradle (which she now likes to rock also). She was hugging the bear to herself and said, "Baby".

For the first time yesterday, she was digging through mommy's purse, then carrying it around the house. :)

She has been able to climb down from the couch for awhile now. For the first time a couple of days ago, she figured out how to climb ON the couch! She figured out how to hike that leg up just high enough to get a good grip and pull herself up. As cute as it is, it makes me nervous. Last night, she climbed up one side of the couch, and ran across it to the other side in pursuit of the cat. In her unsteadyness, she began to fall, at which my motherly instincts took over as I jumped out of the recliner and ran for her before she tumbled off the couch headfirst onto the concrete floor. I tripped trying to reach her and ended up sliding on my knees somehow to her before she went over. Needless to say, we were BOTH surprised at what just happened. She was just fine, but being 8 months pregnant, I was then nervous about baby boy. My stomach never hit anything, except my knees. After several minutes (probably in shock), baby boy began to move again. I took it easy the rest of the night as I was having all kinds of Braxton's after that! All is well though.

Within in the last week or two, she has taken to getting her pacie, snuggly, and blankie out of her crib and carry them around the house when she is sleepy. :) My little cuddle bug...

Here our precious Pigtail Pie is taking a nap in her new peaceful they are when they are sleeping......sigh.

I am blessed.

1 comment:

Stephanie Rohloff said...

Her room is so great! I love that she is growing up so fast! BTW, I could only see two pictures, but that might be my internet connection...
Love you guys, The Roho's