Saturday, June 6, 2009

Baby update

Well, we have reached the 37 1/2 week mark and baby boy has been on the move!
I went to my weekly midwife appt yesterday to discover that I'm still dilated to a 1 cm (for the 3rd week in a row, y'all....), but that things are 'loosening up' down there! We also learned that Baby boy has now turned himself head up! Yup, he's breach. My original due date was June 24th, but after a sonogram appt about 3 weeks ago, they moved the date up to June 16th. And now, after's been moved up to this Tuesday, June 9th! The plan is that I'll go in sometime Monday afternoon to the doctor my midwife works with. The doctor will do another sono to make sure I still have plenty of amniotic fluid in there (which as of yesterday, I do), and to make sure the umbilical cord is not around baby's neck. If all that checks out, then they'll give me a shot to relax my uterus and the doc (who's one of the best around!) will then do an aversion (he'll manually turn the baby back to head down). From there, we walk on over to Labor and Delivery (the doc offc is next to the hospital), check ourselves in, and that evening the nurses will insert cervadyl into my cervix to hopefully get the ball rolling and get my cervix fully ready. They'll then give me a sleeping pill and it's lights out for the night! Tuesday morning, bright and early, my midwife will come in and start the induction. So, if all goes according to that plan, we should be welcoming a VERY healthy and bouncing baby boy!

The alternatives if the aversion isn't possible Monday or doesn't work, then we either schedule a c-section or we wait it out til the 16th to see if he turns on his own. If I go into labor before he turns head down again, then it's a c-section as well. We know that either way, the Lord is in control.

Please be in prayer that he'll decide to turn head down on his own (thus no need for the aversion) and that labor and delivery will go smoothly. I've been put on bed rest for the weekend to get the massive swelling in my legs and lower belly to go down. It's been less than 24 hours since being put on bedrest, and I'm already bored, peoples! LOL

God is good. We can't wait to meet our son.


Lu said...

We will be praying for you. I never was on complete bed rest but I did get bored on the weekends when the Dr. requested that I do nothing but rest. We're praying for you and Baby Sapp

Jenn Faulk said...

You have a potentially busy week ahead of you! :) Praying that God would watch over you and Baby Boy these next few days especially.

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you! Like you said, God is in control and just for the record - though not the preference, c-sections aren't all that bad (I had two). Many blessings and prayers are lifted up for you and baby boy!
