This is her "I'm cute" look...she's realized that when she does this, she gets an 'awwwww'! LOL She's developing quite the personality too. It's amazing the 'pickiness' she's developed in foods and in playtime. She would much rather be close to mommy and daddy than off across the room playing with her toys. Yet, she's full of giggles and smiles! She's starting to say words, like "dad-dy!" and 'wow'. She's also mastered the concept of saying please (in sign language) whenever she wants something...including your food! It never fails that we will feed her and set her down to play while we eat our dinner, and she wants what we are eating! Even though she has a full tummy, she seems to find more for whatever's on your plate. As cute as she is with her 'please, please, please' for what's on your plate, we are trying to teach her that once she's eaten, she's done and no more snacking. Then, she pulls out the "I'm cute" face (see above)! Boy, it's hard to not give into that face! :) She brings us much happiness, and we can only imagine the adventure it will bring when we add Baby #2 to the family.
Speaking of which, we go Wednesday for our official sonogram. We will find out officially if this baby is truly a boy or was he/she fooling us a couple of weeks ago on the sneak peek sonogram. :) Please pray that all goes well and Baby Sapp is a healthy, complete, happy baby. We are happy with boy or girl. We just want him/her to be healthy. God is good and we are so blessed with the family He has given us. I love feeling the movements of this little one growing inside of me. I can't wait until he/she's big enough so that Jay and others can feel those little kicks too! :) And, our search for the 'right' name for the baby continues. If it is a girl, we have her name picked already. But, if it's a boy....he is still nameless! We have a list going, short as it is, but a list nonetheless, and we continue to work our way through the baby boy name book. I am nearly half way through this pregnancy...already! Time has been slow, yet fast at the same time! Slow, in seems like it's taken awhile for me to feel much movement, but fast in that I'm already half way!!! My headaches and migraines have subsided tremendously in the past couple of weeks. It's been a rough first half of the pregnancy and it's a relief to finally be virtually headache free. I haven't had to take anything but tylenol maybe 3 times in the past two weeks...that's GREAT for me! God is good!
Life continues to be busy in the Sapp house. We are getting ready to very soon have our whole entire flooring replaced with stained concrete. That'll be taking place in the next 2-3 weeks probably. We've been getting bids and meet with our last contractor on Wednesday. Our dear buddies, Curt and Mandy have graciously allowed us to stay at the Chizzlewick hotel while our house is under construction. Speaking of them...they too are expecting baby #2! It's exciting to see what the Lord's unfolding in their lives. Looks like Baby Chizzlewick #2 will debut sometime in September! Yeah for babies! We have several other friends that are either pregnant, going through final adoption process, or working on 'expanding' their families as well. It's so neat to see God working in each of their lives and we are blessed to be a part of their lives.
Well, I was supposed to work on laundry and school work tonight...none of which I've done! Sigh...oh well. I should atleast make some kind of effort and go change the sheets on the bed. My dear hubby has helped tonight by putting away the laundry that's already been cleaned and stripping the desperately needed-to-be sheets from our bed. Did I mention what a wonderful man he is? He never complains for my lack of being able to keep a clean house, or of my preggo hormones and mood swings, or of the fact that I can never seem to get the laundry ALL OF THE WAY FINISHED! LOL He is a blessing and completes me. I love my husband and am blessed to be his wife. He truly is a gift from the Lord and one of the best things that have ever happened to me! I love you, Jay.
Song of Solomon 3:4
On a funny note...Sara (my twin sis) and I turned 31 a little over a week ago. Jay bought me a WII for my birthday (thank you, honey!). It was quite a blast having family and friends over that night and playing the Wii. This is what boxing looks like for a spectator...LOL! Enjoy as Sara demonstrates boxing. :-D
What a big girl! They grow so fast! Can't wait till Baby Sapp #2 is here!
Well I can't wait to know if your having a boy or a girl. Jaydon is getting so big and I love that she is learning signs. I think that is so cute to see little kids sign. As for the wii boxing, Cliff got one for his birthday last year and his mother tried it!! Lets just say I laughed so hard that I cried!! It can be a really good workout.
Love your post my the Sapps sure have been busy little bees! Her look is priceless I just love it...I can see why it hard to say no! Glad the pregnancy is going well!!
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