Saturday, January 31, 2009

Jadyn's baby brother...

We went for our sonogram on Friday morning. Baby is measuring at 19.5-20 weeks along... right on schedule! We were excited to find out if we were having a boy or girl. Looks like we are getting a BOY! :-D Jay and I suspected it, but were happy either way. The baby was very active during the sonogram and didn't want to sit still for long, so the sonographer said she's going to lean towards it being a boy, but to not be set on it, just in case. We are going to have another sono sometime down the road (around 32 weeks, I think...?), so hopefully we'll be more sure then. But this sonographer was the second person to say she was voting boy. A couple of weeks ago, the nurse did a quick sono for us and that was her vote too! Soooo, it looks like it's a boy, but we aren't going to settle in on that til we know for sure! We are still deciding on a name, but I am making a list. As soon as I get through the name book, I'll post a fun survey and see what you vote for! We already have the girl's name: Annika Mae. Atleast, that's what we are pretty certain we will name her if it turns out to be a her! LOL Here are some video clips of the sonogram...enjoy!

In this clip ~ no, you are not seeing 2 heads! The sonographer would freeze frame a picture of the top of the baby's head on one side of the screen, then try to get a 'better shot' on the other side of the screen. Pretty cool feature.

To view more sono clips, check out my Picasa Web Album:


Goodnight! May the Lord bless you as He has blessed us!


Anonymous said...

That is so exciting! I loved watching the sonogram video. We love you guys!

Vanessa D

Andrea & Jim-Britt said...

Congrats Shannon & Jay!! That is so exciting..P.S. I got your text but didn't get a chance to respond so I just wanted to tell you how hppy we are for you guys! Boy or girl what a blessing you baby will be!!

Mrs. Crummey said...

I'm so excited for you guys.

Mommy said...

Congrats! (: