Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Library Books in Chinese? Yes, please!

Can I just brag again how awesome Annika's school is? I want to express how amazing the school librarian, Mrs. Toal is! She ordered books in Chinese for the school's library so that Annika would have some books to check out and read. 

Today, she cheerfully sat in my lap as we looked through this book together and she read some of the pages to me. She's even having me practice my Mandarin by repeating her when she reads. (I have no idea what I am saying sometimes, but I love that she's "teaching" me her native language.)  Later, as I made dinner, she proudly counted to 100 in English. This girl is learning so much and having fun doing it! She's also recognizing her alphabet letters and saying them aloud. 

I am so grateful for all the people the Lord has placed in Annika's life. She is truly flourishing and I am in awe of her beauty inside and out. Her tantrums are fewer these days and she's genuinely happy. I am truly blessed to be her momma!

We are currently waiting to hear back from our ENT sometime this week after he talks to Dr. Lewin in California regarding Annika's ears and canals. We have an estimated timeline of Annika's first round of surgeries happening around the end to middle of of April to remove the cholosteatomas in her ear canals.

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