Monday, November 21, 2016

Still waiting for TA

I hope when this is all said and done and Annika is home with us, our adoption agency will remember us as the family who had humor. Even in tense situations when I'm waited with baited breath for news, I try to find humor in the situation.
I just emailed me agency a bit ago saying I may or may not be eating popcorn and watching my phone for news of TA. True story.
I hope that made her laugh when she got my email. ;)
It is also a true story that my agency is working diligently to prepare for our travel and they have been AMAZING through this whole journey. I can only imagine the emails and calls they get from adoptive parents like me, freaking out at different moments in the process, impatient of the process and ready to have their child in their arms. I can imagine that their job gets very stressful at times. I can also imagine they go through the same range of emotions that we do... the sadness of a child who is without a family, year after year.... the hope of a family interested in that child, only to change their mind for various reasons..... then, the hope of another family for that child and then the joy of seeing that child become a part of that family.
We are so close to travel, I can FEEL it! It's like the anticipation of a momma going into labor at ANY moment. Our sweet child will soon be in our times, and it will happen right in the Lord's perfect timing.
As of right now, the 'portal' between our agency and CCCWA's website still shows we haven't been issued TA. So, we continue to wait. It's the middle of the night on Tuesday morning right now in China. In a few hours, they'll be back at work and hopefully, our TA is on their agenda for the day..... hopefully, prayerfully.

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