Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Stopping to smell the roses...

Sometimes, when one of my kids are telling me about something, I listen to them, stop what I'm doing, what I'm thinking about that needs done, but REALLY listen to them; and I look in wonder at this child before me. Listening to Eli tonight tell me about his day, and I just looked him big he is getting, looking at the details of his head, his hands, feeling his arms around me as we said prayers tonight. My little boy... so handsome, so tenderhearted, all boy. His black eye all different shades of black and yellow with his 4 stitches and how nicely the wound is healing! His little legs and arms in proportion to his big head and torso and how I worry about him being made fun of for being the shortest in his class, how I don't want anyone to ever hurt my sweet boy. I notice his clear brown eyes looking at me and darting around as he tells me a story about lunchtime at school. He has the coolest brown eyes! He sits on my lap and hugs me. I wrap my arms around him, cuddling his head and body and I'm instantly taken back to when he was littler and I used to hold him and cuddle all the time. Now, he's bigger and these cuddles are few and far between. He's still my baby boy, just bigger now. I hold on to his embrace for as long as he lets me, soaking up the moment.

Earlier today, Asher comes to me in the office and says (demands, rather) that I come cuddle with him on the couch to watch cartoons with him. I look at him, little big guy full of self-confidence and knows what he wants. His eyes not searching mine, rather expecting me to move. I scoop him up in my arms and kiss him on his cheeks and neck, causing him to collapse in giggles and shrugs. I am looking at him, getting big as longer a baby or a toddler.... nearing his 4th birthday, outgrowing his size 3T pants and shirts, his unibrow needing shaved again, his sweet smile and the twinkle in his eye when giggling in my arms as I lifted him over my head like an airplane. His little hands grabbing my big hands and his quick skinny body darting my attempts to tickle him as I set him down on the couch and told him I'd be right back, all the while his laughter and giggles filling my ears.... We sit on the couch and his little body scoots next to mine as his eyes are now glued to the TV. So very independent, yet still wanting to be near his mommy. I relish these times. And I soak up the moment of cuddling with him as we watch Rescue Bots together for the umpteenth time.

Yesterday, I was watching Jadyn as she was talking to me about her day before school. Her hair recently cut and how neat she fixed it. She's getting better about fixing her hair these days. She's picking out her own clothes with confidence. She is such a happy girl. Her smile reaches to her eyes. Her cheerful heart doing her responsibilities these days.... listening to her 'tutor' Eli on math today after school and I was amazed at how easy math came to her that she was turning around and able to explain it to her brother with kindness and confidence. My beautiful little girl, getting older each minute. She's now wearing deodorant and proud of the milestone of needing it. She accepts responsibility when she makes a mistake and I catch her doing acts of kindness without being asked. Her thoughtfulness and compassionate heart bless my soul. I look at her beauty inside and out and it literally takes my breath away in awe and wonder that she belongs to me... that she came from me.

I am in awe and humbled that my Lord and Saviour would entrust me with such three precious treasures.

Life is flying by and we are flying with it. But, right now, I want to stop and soak in these moments.  
I am rich in blessings to be their mommy.  

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