Sunday, August 15, 2010

Firing my writer...

Just kidding! I have been terrible about posting blogs! Sorry to all my fans out there...all two of you. ;-)

Life around here...
Eli is 14 MONTHS TOMORROW!!! My little guy that's not so little (he is over 24 lbs, y'all) is sooooooo cute...and I'm not just saying that because I'm biased. It's the truth. Really. His blonde spikes and chubby cheeks will melt your heart. And if neither of those get ya, his adorable light brown eyes will! These days, you can find Eli cruisin' the joint...literally. He's really good about holding on to something (or someone) and walking around. What he's most famous for though, is his scoot. We like to call it his happy scoot. It's his preferred method of getting around. Whenever we go somewhere that he can get down on the floor, that's the first thing people comment on is his scoot. It's the funniest thing to them! To us, we are used to it, so it's always enjoyable to see people's reactions. Eli is also starting to increase his vocabulary little by little. He's learned: "Up, Ba-oon (balloon), bawwww! (ball - his most favorite toy ever), down, dada, momma", and who knows what else he'll decide he's ready to say tomorrow! He can nod yes and no. I've been trying to get him to talk more, but he looks at me and laughs like I'm some silly person for wanting him to say that word when I already know he wants it.

Our little princess is going to be THREE in THREE months! Yikes! I mean ~ Yeah!!! I really am excited! It's fun seeing her grow and develop her girly girl personality. She LOVES shoes! She sat in the kitchen floor (why there, I don't know, but hey...) for over 30 minutes last night buckling and unbuckling, putting on and taking off her newest pair of shoes....a bling bling pair of silver shoes for her growing feet. She loves to wear princess gowns, to dance and twirl, hop hop hop, and is the snacking queen! She probably asks for a snack about twenty times a day! Ok, maybe not twenty....but, realistically more like 12-15'd think I hadn't just fed her lunch ten minutes ago when she declared she was no longer hungry when all that was left on her plate was the steamed broccoli covered in ketchup. (She eats ketchup like it's dessert, so I thought why not see if she'll eat it with broccoli.....turns out she only sucks the ketchup off the broccoli and then is full. Go figure!) Lately, she likes to refer to her father as "my daddy". "Mommy, where's my daddy?" "Mommy, I want to ride in my daddy's truck." "My daddy". ....I have yet to be referred to as 'my mommy'. She recently figured out that others call me Shannon. She's tried to call me 'Shannon' a few times, but THIS mommy is quick to point out that others call me Shannon, but Jadyn calls me Mommy. One time she kept calling for me ("Mommy"), but when I didn't respond within the first 3 times of her calling, she switched tactics, "Shannon". "It's mommy to you, Jadyn"..... She got my attention really quick with that one! I put down whatever I was distracted with and turned to look at whatever she was trying to show me!

I have video that I have spent the last day trying to get uploaded with this blog, but no success. So, here's the blog sans video...which is a shame, because it was some darn cute videos! :)

Love to you all!

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