Monday, April 19, 2010

Go night night, Jadyn!

Hello world! It's been over 2 months since I last posted! I've 'written' many a blog in my head, and snapped several pictures that I knew would make a great blog. But, when it actually came down to didn't happen, peoples.

Well, I'm here now and I'm finally least as much as I can in between a very affectionate cat who won't quit rubbing up against the computer keys and my hands, therefore causing all sorts of errors and functions to happen on the computer that I didn't intend. This cat also thinks she's part dog as she likes to lick your hands, your toes, your arms...most especially if you just put on lotion. I don't know why she likes lotion. Maybe it conditions her fur when she subsequently licks herself after licking the lotion off of my recently hydrated (and sanitized) hands. But enough about Squared...who is now content to sit NEXT to the computer.

I'm also having to frequently call out to Jadyn to "Go night night" during this blog-making, who was supposed to have fallen asleep for her nap a LONG time ago. She's taken to playing for long periods of time again, so nap-time and bed-time have been a struggle lately. Excuse me...brb...she's now CALLING me to her room! Oh the joys....

Speaking of Jadyn...we are STILL potty training. This has been going on since she was a mere 18 months old. She wasn't ready at the time that, so we ended up holding off for a few more months and tried closer to age 2. She's now almost 2 and A HALF! grrrr! She knows what to do and how to do it...we are just stuck in the 'when' to do it....catching herself BEFORE she 'goes'. She's wearing panties during the day when we are home. I constantly have to take her potty. She seldom initiates it herself. BUT, we are NOT giving up. I refuse to go back to diapers or invest in pull ups on a regular basis! Not when she knows and IS doing it. I'm having to remind myself to be patient with her and one of these of these days, it will click in her precious little brain and diapers/pull ups will be just a memory.

Jadyn has promoted from her pack n play to a travel cot for when we are, well, traveling. She outgrew the pack n play (you know it's time to get rid of it when your child fills it from head to toe with no room to turn around). So, mommy got her a cot and a Disney princess sleeping bag to go with it. Jadyn LOVES them! She got to try out her new cot at Aunt Jenn's house last weekend when Eli had his surgery.

Speaking of Eli's surgery...last Friday, he had outpatient surgery. The doctors and staff called it this long 2-word phrase that simply means, they surgically dropped his testicle. Yes, my friends, I said it...testicle. It was too shy to come down on it's own, and we had been waiting since birth, giving it the opportunity to drop without force, but alas, it didn't happen. And due to that along with some other things at birth, Eli hadn't been circumsized yet either. So, on Friday, he went to sleep (sedation), and woke up a changed man - er, boy. The surgery went great and Eli came out of sedation with no problems (praise the Lord!). We were heading home by 10:30 that morning. He was VERY VERY sore for the first couple of days, but is healing quickly and doing great. The only problem has been with his breathing as a result of being intubated. He's back to his 'noisy' breathing, something we haven't heard in a long time with him (when he was 8 weeks old, Eli had a bronchioscopy done and we learned he has long voice box that 'flaps' when he breathes, thus making him a 'noisy breather'. He grew out of it, or rather, into it). Sunday morning, he seemed to be gasping for breath and 'working' to breathe, so we went to the ER, where they gave him a steriod and breathing treatment to help open up his airway. What happened was his already small airway had become inflamed/irritated from the intubation. He is doing better today...still noisy in his breathing, but better. At least, we know he's going to be ok. Through all of this, he is still his happy, cute self. Such a trooper! He's also crossed a milestone! The same day of his surgery, he officially became a crawler! I guess there's nothing like having your boy parts worked on to be the deal sealer of finally crawling. I can't blame him either. I wouldn't want to get around on my belly either when I had such an owie! So, now he is Mr. Mobile, which means it's time to get out Mr. Clean on a more frequent basis to mop the floors!

Jay's grandmother, Marge Sappington, passed away yesterday. She had been rapidly declining in health since her lung cancer came back and she was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor about 4-6 weeks ago. We had been planning to make a trip to Phoenix this summer so she could see her great grandkids at least one more time before she lost her cognitive abilities, but she was declining so fast that we made an emergency trip out there 2 weeks ago to see her. We are glad we did and got to spend 3 precious days with her. One thing about such times in our lives is that it brings families together. Even though the circumstances weren't ideal, we also got to spend time with family members we don't see on a regular basis. We got to be with Big Daddy ( who is James P Sappington II...Jay is James P Sappington IV) who is Meme's husband, Aunt Cal and Uncle Jim (thank you for giving us a place to stay), and I got to meet Aunt Karen for the first time (she was unable to make it to our wedding 4 years ago). I also loved to opportunity, even if it was so short, to see my grandma who also lives in Phoenix. We met her for breakfast (at 5 a.m....EARLY!!!), on our way out of town, heading back to Texas. It was a bittersweet visit, but we know Meme really enjoyed seeing us and her great grandkids. We will be heading out there again this week for the funeral. Meme was a Christian, and in that, we find comfort in knowing we will see her again one day when the Lord returns. Please pray for everyone who is not a Christian, that through this, they will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ, our risen Saviour. Please also pray for safe travels for everyone.

Well, this email is a mile long already. That's what happens when I don't update on a regular basis! Jadyn is FINALLY asleep! Eli has been asleep for awhile. Hmmmm...what to do, what to do....I could work on the MILE HIGH mound of laundry OR, I could take a nap....or I could take advantage of this 'me time' and finally brush my teeth and shower today........hmmm, choices, choices......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


Jenn Faulk said...

Mine is three months away from turning three, and I still have to tell her when to go to the potty. But, like you, I'm holding onto hope that there will be a day of no Pull-Ups or training pants in my future! :)

And yay for Eli crawling! :)

The Ramirez family said...

i just love love love your blogs! =)