Monday, March 28, 2011

"Bye-Bye Pacie"

Eli echoed my words as he ceremoniously dropped his pacie into the open trash can. "Bye-bye, Pacie". The tears that soon flowed once we put Eli to bed last night weren't his, but mine actually. After doing some "fake" crying, he then talked and giggled to himself before falling asleep all without the help of his beloved pacie. I on the other hand, cried as I figuratively let go of my baby and allowed him to get bigger. My baby is really not much of a baby anymore. He talks in complete sentences, makes jokes and laughs at them, likes to play pretend, LOVES to drum (he is especially fond of doing his air cymbal!), helps get himself dressed, feeds himself, and is even asking to go potty (it's just a game to him, but he does ask occasionally).

Jay and I have talked about giving up the Pacie for months now, but until recently, we didn't feel Eli was ready. Now, it has been me who hasn't been ready. It's convenient, comforting, and a symbol that reminds me very much of the tiny baby boy I held in my arms for so long. It has occurred to me lately though, even though it's just a pacie, it represents something I'm not ready to let go baby. Am I holding my child back from becoming more independent, learning to self-soothe on his own (and not messing up his teeth)? Am I holding my child back from taking on the world because I'm not ready?! That pacie has been a symbol, a barrier in taking the blinders off of my eyes to realize how much my baby boy really is SO BIG in so many ways! I had to realize last night (as I boohooed in my husband's arms) that Eli was handling it SO WELL, like a BIG BOY! He never shed a tear and he fell asleep happy! I have to give thanks to the Lord for such an easy transition. God is so good and His timing is always perfect. My son is ready to move up in the world. No more pacies. As his mommy, my role is to encourage him, cheer him on, high five him, and let him grow up. I will always do my best to be right there if and when he does fall or stumble, but I won't always be able to catch him. That's life. We can't protect our kids from everything, but we can teach them the skills and allow them to learn the skills needed to not only deal with life, but to be confident and grab life by the horns! Eli is such a laid-back, deal with it as it comes kind of kid. Already, I see his personality showing forth. He has little to no fear, he's confident (he'll dive into your arms whether you're ready or not!), and he's almost always happy, and he has such a loving heart (just ask the kitty who keeps getting all the hugs)!

Even though I mourn another chapter closed in my not-s0-baby boy's life, I look forward with anticipation what the next chapter holds. Last night, it started with the steps for mommy....BIG BOY steps for Eli!

I love you, my son. You are one of my greatest treasures from the Lord.

1 comment:

Jenn Faulk said...

Every milestone is bittersweet! :)