Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Uh, yeah...we are still here.

Hi! Remember me? I know, I know...it's been FOREVER since I've blogged! Sheesh, you'd think that as a stay at home mom, I'd be blogging daily with all the extra time I now have! But, I find (rather frustatingly) that it's now over 7 months since I've had my son and I'm still trying to find the balance of full-time mommy and wife, aspiring blogger, and barbie-body seeker. :-) Anddddddddd, this is where you say, "Hello, Shannon? Get real. Not everyone can be an aspiring blogger...". Haha, you thought I was gonna say 'have a barbie body', didn't you? :)

Ok, well, I really am trying to find the balance and it's still a MAJOR work in progress. Now that Eli is old enough, I'm trying to work up the nerve to go to the gym during the day (you know, that place where we donate to monthly that has all that work out equipment in it?). I don't know why I'm being such a sissy, but I keep holding off until Jay and I can go together with the kids so I don't have to go the first time by myself. I know, I know...quit being a ninny and just go. Got it.
As a family, we are all doing well. The holidays and birthdays flew by in a blur and now things are SORT of winding down. We are now finding about a couple nights a week where we AREN'T doing something or going somewhere. We got to welcome into the world some new friends this past week. Our friends, the Delgados and the Chadwicks, now have new members of their families and we were priveleged to meet the little ones and spend time with the familes! Welcome baby Judah and baby Aubrey! We enjoyed a fast-paced trip to Phoenix a couple of weeks ago to see family. Relatives got to meet Eli for the first time and see how big Jadyn has grown! We enjoyed seeing everyone and look forward to our next trip there!

Little Miss Pigtail Pie has promoted in the toddler world to a toddler bed. She absolutely LOVES it!! The first night, mommy and daddy made about 12-13 trips into her room to put her back in bed and tell her to stay there and no playing, but since then, it's been pretty smooth sailing! The second night, we put her down and she stayed down and went right to sleep! I was so impressed with my big girl! We are also back to working on potty training. It's a work in progress, but we are chipping away at it. I knew it was time to get back to it when she started telling me when she pooped and was trying to assist in taking off her diaper. So, yeah...pull ups and frequent potty visits with sticker rewards it is. She loves the stickers and she loves to sit on the potty! Two plusses!
Eli is HUGE! He is 7 months old, 20 lbs, and wearing 12 month shirts and clothes! He's outgrown his car seat pretty much, so we are having to shop for the next step up. He'll be rear-facing still for atleast 5 more months, but poor guy is wedged into the car seat he has now! He's also the same size diaper as his 2 year old sister. Yup, my 2 yr old and 7 month old wear size 4 diapers. At least it makes for packing the diaper bag easier...only one size diaper to pack! No more rustling around for the right size diaper for the kid you are changing. Well, so Jadyn's mostly in pullups now, but still. If we need a diaper for her, we just grab one of his! How crazy is that!? :) Eli is a pro at sitting up on his own now. You can sit him down and he'll be content for a long time playing. He's recently taken to rolling over more frequently, but still is not an avid roller just yet. We're getting the ball 'rolling' on that though, by putting him on tummy time more.
And that's the gist of it. Now you know...we are alive and kicking and havin' a good ole time! :)


Patricia PacJac Carroll said...

Awww cutie kids. And your blog is good. You're doing good Shannon.

Amy Voss said...

Before Seven became potty trained, him and Rilian wore the same size diaper. I agree, it is really easy. I enjoyed buying one box at the store, except it seemed we went through them alot faster. Rilian will be the only one of my children to graduate from size 4. The rest of them left size 4 for underwear.