My little Pigtail Pie will be turning 3 on Sunday. We will celebrate tomorrow with cake and balloons, a bounce house, twinkling lights, playing dress up, and lots of giggles, surrounded by many family and friends! It will be quite memorable and I will cherish the memories of her third birthday. In the midst of preparations for it, Jay has come down with fever and sore throat, Eli has diarrhea, and I am overwhelmed with trying to get everything ready! Tonight was spent bathing the kids, finishing up last minute cleaning yet to be done, and following Eli around as he went commando to air out his little bum which is quite red and rash-ravaged from the diarrhea. I have to say, I think he rather enjoyed the 'freedom', if you know what I mean. He was quite content to 'whiz' on my floor, and I was quite grateful for stained concrete! Haha! At one point point (ok, ok, several times, I have found myself wanting to selfishly yell at my husband and say, "Why did you have to get sick now!?" (real loving wife there, eh?) As if he can control it! Thankfully, I've not humiliated myself in saying that to him, but have left him pretty much to fend for himself unfortunately while I prep for the party. He's on antibiotics and should hopefully be feeling better in time to party. :-)
This one has been QUITE mommy's helper though! :-)
So, it's now after 11 p.m. at night, the kitchen's a wreck, the couch is full of party supplies waiting to be unpacked from their shopping sacks, goody bags are waiting to be assembled, and pretzel rods are waiting to be turned into princess wands (or knight swords, if you're a guy....). Instead of continuing to be overwhelmed, I've decided to think about what all this is about...WHO all this is for....it's for Jadyn. My...OUR Pigtail Pie. Jay and I have been watching her and amazed at how much she's blossoming and growing these days in knowledge and helpfulness (and talkativeness). I can't believe it's been three years since we held her in our arms for the very first time. What a blessing she is to us!!! I cannot imagine my life without this precious little girl. She warms my heart with her unconditional love for me, for others. She's always ready to give a hug (and always ready to receive one, too!) Her favorite things to do are to cuddle with mommy or daddy and spend time with us, to be our helper, to hop hop hop, giggle giggle giggle, take care/boss Eli around (ahem), play dress up, watch Sesame Street or Dora, learn about Jesus, and play outside. She loves to show off her skills, whether it's jumping ("Look how high I jump, mommy!"), coloring, sharing, eating her vegetables (yes, getting her to eat her vegetables is a skill). She never ceases to amaze me. She is a reflection of Jesus' unconditional love for His Children. She knows Jesus loves her. I am humbled and awe-struck with the task of teaching her the love of Christ. I fail at it many times, but am grateful that each day is a new day, and she is an eager learner. I am so blessed to be her mommy.
Happy 3rd Birthday, my little Pumpkin! I love you.....